
Alumni News

[Dr. Gyounghun Ko (CM2LA) awarded the 'Dissertation Award' by the Korean Mathematical Society in 2024
슈퍼관리자 2023-12-26

Dr. Gyounghun Ko, currently serving as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Mathematical Machine Learning and its Applications(CM2LA) at POSTECH, under the supervision of Professor Donghyun Lee, was selected as the recipient of the Spring 2024 Korean Mathematical Society Dissertation Award.

This award is presented to researchers who have obtained their doctoral degrees from domestic universities within two years and have authored outstanding dissertations. It aims to discover and reward young researchers who have accumulated outstanding research achievements during their doctoral programs, thereby stimulating the research enthusiasm of young mathematicians and contributing to the development of the Korean mathematics community.

The award ceremony took place on the afternoon of April 19, 2024, at the Daejeon Convention Center, during the Spring Research Presentation of the Korean Mathematical Society.

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