
Research Area



The geometry & topology group of the mathematics department at POSTECH is highly visible internationally with world class competitive research programs and infrastructure. Its research interest is focused on algebraic geometry, complex geometry, geometric group theory, geometric topology, symplectic geometry and math physics related to geometry. In particular, the main topics of the research of the geometry & topology group in the department include 3 and 4-manifolds, Fano varieties, homological mirror symmetry, homotopy theory, knot theory, Lagrangian Floer theory, nilpotent and solvable Lie groups, pseudoconvex domain, quantisation of deformation theory and low dimensional topology.



Number theory is one of the oldest branches of mathematics and is concerned with the properties of numbers in general. In the past few decades, research in number theory has progressed at a rapid rate on many fronts. Number Theory and algebra group of the department of mathematics at POSTECH is highly visible internationally with world class competitive research programs and infrastructure. Our research interest is focused on modular form, automorphic representation, arithmetic of quantum field theory and mirror symmetry and the algebraic coding theory.



We aim to provide solutions to difficult problems in science, engineering, industry, and public sector using mathematical methods such as numerical analysis, mathematical fluid dynamics, stochastic modelling and statistical analysis, and mathematical computing. Recently, we are focusing on cutting-edge inter-disciplinary research topics such as climate change modelling and climate-responsive smart energy management systems.


Analysis and PDEs: Harmonic analysis, Functional analysis, Complex analysis, PDE, Mathematicsl fluid dynamices, Dynamical system, Data science, and Interdisciplinary research


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