
Alumni News

[Jaeyong Lee, Hwijae Son, Hyuntae Cho, Alumni] Appointed as professors at Chung-Ang University, Konkuk University, and Korea University Sejong Campus, respectively.
슈퍼관리자 2023-12-26

Since March, Dr. Jaeyong Lee, an alumnus of the Department of Mathematics (graduated in February 2022, supervised by Professor Hyeongju Hwang), has been appointed as a professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Chung-Ang University.

Professor Hwijae Son (graduated in February 2021, supervised by Professor Hyeongju Hwang) has been appointed as a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Konkuk University.

Professor Hyuntae Cho (graduated in July 2020, supervised by Professor Hyeongju Hwang) has been appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Korea University's Sejong Campus.

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