
Alumni News

[Sungbin Lim, Alumni] "More Important in the AI Era" ··· POSTECH Establishes 'Mathematics Paper Award'
슈퍼관리자 2023-12-26

Alumni Donation Establishes Undergraduate Mathematics Research Paper Award

With the growing importance of AI and data science in the modern era, alumni from the Department of Mathematics at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) have established the "Undergraduate Mathematics Research Paper Award" to support the creative research of their juniors.

Led by Sungbin Lim, a graduate of POSTECH and the president of the alumni association, the initiative garnered donations totaling 12 million won with the aim of providing opportunities for creative research. A donation ceremony was held at the school on the 27th.

Utilizing the donated funds, POSTECH plans to inaugurate the "Undergraduate Mathematics Research Paper Award" for the first time this year and intends to hold it every semester thereafter. Recipients of the award will receive a trophy along with a cash prize of 2 million won.

The alumni association plans to continue raising additional funds necessary for the operation of the research paper award. An official from the alumni association stated, "Mathematics forms the foundation of natural sciences and has become increasingly important in modern society, centered around AI and data science." They added, "We hope that junior students studying various disciplines, including mathematics, humanities, natural sciences, and engineering, will have the opportunity to expand their mathematical thinking and engage in creative research."


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