

Awarded the 2024 Korean Mathematical Society Outstanding Poster Award
슈퍼관리자 2023-12-26

Graduate students Joonwon Yoo (presenter) and Eunu Heo (co-author) from the integrated program (supervised by Professor Jae-Hun Jeong) received the Outstanding Poster Award at the 2024 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society, held on April 19 at the Daejeon Convention Center. Their poster was titled "Topological Feature Extraction for Link Prediction Using Persistent Homology."

Both students are actively involved in the POSTECH SIAM Student Chapter (PSSC) team in the Department of Mathematics, participating in a variety of activities such as organizing an annual Summer Camp, preparing for mathematical modeling competitions and AI contests, conducting machine learning training, and reviewing AI research papers. They significantly contributed to the PSSC team's achievements, including winning the Encouragement Award at the Samsung AI Challenge, the POSTECHIAN Award, and the Grand Prize at the AI SPARK Challenge.

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