

[Sunwoo Choi] Awarded the 1st POSTECH Undergraduate Mathematics Research Paper Award
최고관리자 2024-11-11

On November 8, 2024, at the award ceremony, Sunwoo Choi, a 4th-year student in the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH, was awarded the research paper prize.

Professor Jae-Hoon Jung, the head of the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH, Im Seongbin, the president of the POSTECH Mathematics Alumni Association, and Professor Jeongin Lee from the Department of Mathematics at Ajou University attended the ceremony.

Many other professors and students also participated to congratulate Sunwoo Choi on his award.

After the award presentation, he gave a lecture on the topic of his paper: "Statistical Estimation of Prime Divisor CDF for Finite N in Erdős-Kac Theorem."

Once the ceremony was completed, a brief informal gathering was held to exchange mathematical knowledge.


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