

Research Professor/Postdoc Positions at the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH [2021-04-01]
최고관리자 2024-05-29

Research Professor/Postdoc Positions at the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH

One or two Research Professor or Postdoctoral positions are available in the area of scientific computing at POSTECH Mathematics Department and POSTECH MINDS (Mathematical Institute for Data Science), Pohang, Korea. The project involves numerical simulation of complex flows, visualization and topological data analysis. Researchers who have a background in high order numerical methods are preferred. The position will start from 6/1/2021 or later before 9/1/2021, with an initial appointment for two years and the possibility of extension based on the performance. The qualifications for the position are Ph.D. in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, fluid mechanics, and related areas and knowledge in computational fluid dynamics and fluency in high performance computing. The salary is competitive. Conditions (e.g. qualification, starting date, salary, etc.) are negotiable. The applicant should submit CV, Research Statement and a reference list (including at least two recommenders and their contact information, e.g. email address) to by 4/30/2021.

Questions on the job may be also sent to

Dr. Yun Sung Choi

Head, Department of Mathematics 

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