

The donation ceremony for the Mathematics Department Development Fund and the Undergraduate Mathematics Research Paper Award Fund
슈퍼관리자 2023-12-26

The donation ceremony for the development fund and the undergraduate mathematics research paper award fund was held.

Professor Yong-Geun Oh, who won the Science Award (Physics and Mathematics Division) at the 32nd Samsung Ho-Am Prize ceremony held in May 2022, donated 10 million won to the department's development fund.

Additionally, with the attendance of Alumni Association President Lim Sung-bin, the Mathematics Department Alumni Association donated 12 million won as seed money for the mathematics research paper award fund for all undergraduate students at POSTECH.

The donation ceremony took place on February 27th with the donors, department head professors, representatives of undergraduate and graduate students, and members in attendance. As a token of appreciation, the donors were presented with two paintings by the Russian artist Kandinsky, titled 'Gates of Kiev' and 'Continuous 1935,' along with a bouquet of flowers.

Professor Yong-Geun Oh expressed his hope that the donated funds would be well utilized for the development of the Mathematics Department, while Alumni Association President Lim Sung-bin emphasized the increasing importance of mathematics as the cornerstone of natural sciences in the modern society centered around artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. He expressed his hope that students studying humanities, natural sciences, and engineering, including mathematics, would have opportunities to expand their mathematical thinking and engage in creative research.

Prior to this, Professor Jae-Hun Jung, Department Head Lee Donghyun, and Alumni Association President Lim Sung-bin visited the office of President Kim Sung-geun for a discussion. They explained the purpose and operational plans for the newly established undergraduate mathematics research paper award at the Mathematics Department, and President Kim expressed gratitude for the donation from the Mathematics Department Alumni Association.

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