
Research Highlight

Prof.Hyung Ju Hwang
최고관리자 2024-07-23

Mathematical Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Machine Learning 


In our research lab, we conduct theory of computation and applied research in the field of artificial intelligence. Particularly, we aim beyond isolated case studies or simple performance improvement research, focusing on the exploration of the principles and fundamental characteristics of artificial intelligence based on mathematics. Our research on neural networks based on partial differential equations, initiated in 2017, has evolved into methodological studies on various Neural PDE Solvers. Our specific research topics include the following.

First, computational theory research covers the following topics:
- Numerical computation of deep learning-based partial differential equations (PINN, Operator Learning)
- Mathematical artificial intelligence for scientific discovery (AI for Scientific Discovery)
- Deep learning-based uncertainty quantification (AI-based Uncertainty Quantification)
In addition to the above topics, we aim to identify new subjects and lead the field of mathematical artificial intelligence by keeping pace with the rapid growth and changing trends in AI.

Additionally, applied research addresses practical problems in various fields as follows.

 - Digital Twin High-Speed AI Simulator
  • To overcome the limitations of traditional simulations, we have developed a data-driven high-speed AI simulator, which is applied in various manufacturing fields and meteorology
  • High-speed simulations for thermal analysis, fluid dynamics, and structural analysis
                                     [Digital Twin High-Speed AI Simulator]
- Smart Factory Automation and Control Systems
  • Anomaly Detection AI: Semi-supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for real-time anomaly detection
  • Control/Prediction AI: Optimization of manufacturing process efficiency, and development of quality risk and prediction models
  • Image Analysis AI: Analysis of various image and video data


                       [Smart Factory Automation and Control Systems]

 - Infectious Disease Epidemic Prediction Mathematical Modeling and Biomedical Applications

   • COVID-19 Spread Prediction Modeling

   • AI-Based Immune Cancer Gene Analysis Model

   • AI-Based Early Cancer Detection Model Using Blood

   • AI-Based Metabolic Disease Diagnosis Model

[Infectious Disease Epidemic Prediction Mathematical Modeling and Biomedical Applications]

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