
Research Highlight

Prof.Youngju Choie
최고관리자 2024-07-16

Professor YoungJu Choie is a number theorist who specializes in research on integers using the theory of modular forms. Modular forms theory, and more broadly automorphic representation theory, plays a central role in understanding   L-functions, which are closely related to the unsolved problems in 21st-century number theory. This theory has been evolving over the past 100 years, yet it remains an elusive and challenging field with many unsolved questions.

Professor YoungJu Choie has made   contributions to the field, especially recently by introducing a novel concept related to Schubert Eisenstein series. This concept has been the subject of joint research with Professor Bump from Stanford University, and they are expected to be actively exploring its applications in number theory. Additionally, Professor Choie is conducting research on L-functions using cohomology theory.

Furthermore, Professor Choie actively participates in various international academic conferences and also takes part in organizing such conferences. Their dedication to these activities shows their commitment to contributing to the development and nurturing of talent in the field of number theory.

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