
Research Highlight

Prof.Jin Woo Jang
최고관리자 2024-07-15

My research focuses on the mathematical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise from various physical phenomena. In particular, within the field of kinetic theory, I am contributing to the understanding of numerous kinetic PDEs. My research interests include deriving kinetic PDEs through diverse scaling limits, examining their local and global existence, uniqueness, regularity, and exploring the large-time asymptotic behavior of solutions to several boundary-value problems.


I am particularly interested in studying physically motivated kinetic partial differential equations, such as the Boltzmann and Landau equations under Newtonian mechanics or special relativity, the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, the kinetic equations for the dynamics of semiflexible polymers, and the kinetic equations for radiative transfer. Furthermore, I am intrigued by the hydrodynamic limits of these kinetic equations, leading to several macroscopic fluid equations through different scaling limits. The study of kinetic equations is connected to classical and quantum mechanics, which involves a multitude of interacting particles whose dynamics can be further examined from a statistical perspective.


For a comprehensive overview of my research and publications, please feel free to visit my website ORCiD, MathSciNet, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate profiles.

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