[포스텍 수학과] 해외석학 초청강연 안내 [2023-04-18]
<해외석학 초청강연 안내>
Title: From Physics-Informed Machine Learning to Physics-Informed Machine Intelligence: Quo Vadimus?
Speaker: Presenter: George Em Karniadakis
(The Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering, Brown University)
Host: Minseok Choi, Department of Mathematics
Date &Time: 2023.5.3(Wed) 9:30 ~ 11:00
Online Streaming (Zoom): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6888961076?pwd=ejYxN05jNmhUa25PU2JzSUJvQ1haQT09
ID:688 896 1076 PW: 54321