

Number Theory Intensive Lecture Series
최고관리자 2024-11-25
  • 날짜

    20250113 ~ 20250116


    09:30 ~ 16:30
  • 장소

    Mathematics Building #104


  • 연사

    Chul-hee Lee



  • 소개 및 안내사항


    - 2025.01.13(Mon) 14:30~16:30

    - 2025.01.14(Tue) 09:30~11:30 / 14:30~16:30

    - 2025.01.15(Wed) 09:30~11:30

    - 2025.01.16(Thu) 09:30~11:30 / 14:30~16:30

    Title: Siegel modular forms : classical introduction and modern viewpoint 

    Speaker: Chul-hee Lee (KIAS) 

    Abstract: This lecture series introduces Siegel modular forms, covering both classical and modern aspects. We begin with quadratic forms and even unimodular lattices, presenting the mass formula and the Siegel–Weil formula. We discuss the basics of Siegel modular forms, including Hecke operators, Satake parameters, and L-functions, and then review classical computations by Kurokawa and Miyawaki.

    We examine the lifting constructions of Siegel modular forms, such as the Saito–Kurokawa, Ikeda, and Miyawaki lifts. Next, we consider the theory of Siegel modular forms within the framework of automorphic representations and Langlands functoriality. We also discuss recent results by Chenevier and Taibi on the dimensions of the spaces of Siegel cusp forms.

    Language: Korean 
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