

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
최고관리자 2025-03-04
  • 분야


  • 날짜

    20250305 ~ 20250305


    16:00 ~ 시간을 입력해주세요.
  • 장소

    Online Streaming(Zoom)


  • 연사

    Ron Lifshitz


    School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University

  • 제목

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

  • 소개 및 안내사항

    Title: What is a Crystal? A new paradigm for an old question

    Speaker: Ron Lifshitz(School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University)

    Abstract: The discovery of quasicrystals signalled the beginning of a remarkable scientific revolution, in which some of the most basic notions of condensed matter physics and material science have undergone a thorough re-examination. Over four decades later, the field continues to intrigue us with scientific puzzles, surprising discoveries, and new possibilities for applications. I will focus on some current issues from my own research – such as soft matter quasicrystals and photonic applications based on metamaterials – but only after giving a concise overview for non-specialists of what quasicrystals are, and why their discovery was so important.

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