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PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system

기간 : 2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22
시간 : 16:00 ~ 17:00
PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system
날짜Date 2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22 시간Time 16:00 ~ 17:00
장소Place 초청자Host
연사Speaker Van Tien Nguyen 소속Affiliation National Taiwan University
TOPIC PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system
소개 및 안내사항Content

Title: Singularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system 


In this talk I will present constructive examples of blowup solutions to the Keller-Segel system in R^d. 
• L^1-critical (d = 2): There exist finite time blowup solutions that are of Type II with finite mass. Blowup rates are quantized according to the spectrum of a linearized operator in the self-similar setting. There is also the case of multiple collapsing blowup solutions formed by a collision of single-solutions. 
• L^1-supercritical (d ≥ 3): We exhibit finite time blowup solutions that are completely unrelated to the self-similar scale, in particular, they are of Type II with finite mass. Interestingly, the radial blowup profile is linked to the traveling wave of the 1D viscous Burgers equation. There also exist solutions that blow up in finite time with infinite mass. The solution is asymptotically self-similar with a logarithmic correction to its profile for d = 3, 4. We found such an asymptotic profile can be either radial or completely non-radial. 
The talk is based on results obtained in collaboration with Collot (Paris Cergy), Ghoul (NYU Abu Dhabi), Masmousdi (NYU), Nouaili (Paris Dauphine), Zaag (Paris Nord). 


Meeting ID: 964 2845 1691
Password: PDEAA

학회명Field PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system
날짜Date 2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22 시간Time 16:00 ~ 17:00
장소Place 초청자Host
소개 및 안내사항Content

Title: Singularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system 


In this talk I will present constructive examples of blowup solutions to the Keller-Segel system in R^d. 
• L^1-critical (d = 2): There exist finite time blowup solutions that are of Type II with finite mass. Blowup rates are quantized according to the spectrum of a linearized operator in the self-similar setting. There is also the case of multiple collapsing blowup solutions formed by a collision of single-solutions. 
• L^1-supercritical (d ≥ 3): We exhibit finite time blowup solutions that are completely unrelated to the self-similar scale, in particular, they are of Type II with finite mass. Interestingly, the radial blowup profile is linked to the traveling wave of the 1D viscous Burgers equation. There also exist solutions that blow up in finite time with infinite mass. The solution is asymptotically self-similar with a logarithmic correction to its profile for d = 3, 4. We found such an asymptotic profile can be either radial or completely non-radial. 
The talk is based on results obtained in collaboration with Collot (Paris Cergy), Ghoul (NYU Abu Dhabi), Masmousdi (NYU), Nouaili (Paris Dauphine), Zaag (Paris Nord). 


Meeting ID: 964 2845 1691
Password: PDEAA

성명Field PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system
날짜Date 2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22 시간Time 16:00 ~ 17:00
소속Affiliation National Taiwan University 초청자Host
소개 및 안내사항Content

Title: Singularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system 


In this talk I will present constructive examples of blowup solutions to the Keller-Segel system in R^d. 
• L^1-critical (d = 2): There exist finite time blowup solutions that are of Type II with finite mass. Blowup rates are quantized according to the spectrum of a linearized operator in the self-similar setting. There is also the case of multiple collapsing blowup solutions formed by a collision of single-solutions. 
• L^1-supercritical (d ≥ 3): We exhibit finite time blowup solutions that are completely unrelated to the self-similar scale, in particular, they are of Type II with finite mass. Interestingly, the radial blowup profile is linked to the traveling wave of the 1D viscous Burgers equation. There also exist solutions that blow up in finite time with infinite mass. The solution is asymptotically self-similar with a logarithmic correction to its profile for d = 3, 4. We found such an asymptotic profile can be either radial or completely non-radial. 
The talk is based on results obtained in collaboration with Collot (Paris Cergy), Ghoul (NYU Abu Dhabi), Masmousdi (NYU), Nouaili (Paris Dauphine), Zaag (Paris Nord). 


Meeting ID: 964 2845 1691
Password: PDEAA

성명Field PDE and Applied Analysis SeminarㅣSingularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system
날짜Date 2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22 시간Time 16:00 ~ 17:00
호실Host 인원수Affiliation Van Tien Nguyen
사용목적Affiliation 신청방식Host National Taiwan University
소개 및 안내사항Content

Title: Singularities in the L^1 critical and supercritical Keller-Segel system 


In this talk I will present constructive examples of blowup solutions to the Keller-Segel system in R^d. 
• L^1-critical (d = 2): There exist finite time blowup solutions that are of Type II with finite mass. Blowup rates are quantized according to the spectrum of a linearized operator in the self-similar setting. There is also the case of multiple collapsing blowup solutions formed by a collision of single-solutions. 
• L^1-supercritical (d ≥ 3): We exhibit finite time blowup solutions that are completely unrelated to the self-similar scale, in particular, they are of Type II with finite mass. Interestingly, the radial blowup profile is linked to the traveling wave of the 1D viscous Burgers equation. There also exist solutions that blow up in finite time with infinite mass. The solution is asymptotically self-similar with a logarithmic correction to its profile for d = 3, 4. We found such an asymptotic profile can be either radial or completely non-radial. 
The talk is based on results obtained in collaboration with Collot (Paris Cergy), Ghoul (NYU Abu Dhabi), Masmousdi (NYU), Nouaili (Paris Dauphine), Zaag (Paris Nord). 


Meeting ID: 964 2845 1691
Password: PDEAA

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