
Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms

기간 : 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-02
시간 : 15:50 ~ 18:00
개최 장소 : Math. Bldg. 404
Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms
분야Field 2018 Math Colloquim
날짜Date 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-02 시간Time 15:50 ~ 18:00
장소Place Math. Bldg. 404 초청자Host
연사Speaker Byeongkweon Oh 소속Affiliation SNU
TOPIC Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms
소개 및 안내사항Content <1st talk>

Title: Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms

< 2nd talk>

Title: A sum of squares not divisible by a prime

Let p be a prime. We define S(p) the smallest number k such that every positive integer is a sum of at most k squares of integers that are not divisible by p. In this talk, we show that S(2) = 10, S(3) = 6, S(5) = 5, and S(p) = 4 for any prime p greater than 5. In particular, we show that every positive integer is a sum of at most four squares not divisible by 5, except the unique positive integer 79. This is a joint work with Kyoungmin Kim.
학회명Field Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms
날짜Date 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-02 시간Time 15:50 ~ 18:00
장소Place Math. Bldg. 404 초청자Host
소개 및 안내사항Content <1st talk>

Title: Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms

< 2nd talk>

Title: A sum of squares not divisible by a prime

Let p be a prime. We define S(p) the smallest number k such that every positive integer is a sum of at most k squares of integers that are not divisible by p. In this talk, we show that S(2) = 10, S(3) = 6, S(5) = 5, and S(p) = 4 for any prime p greater than 5. In particular, we show that every positive integer is a sum of at most four squares not divisible by 5, except the unique positive integer 79. This is a joint work with Kyoungmin Kim.
성명Field Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms
날짜Date 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-02 시간Time 15:50 ~ 18:00
소속Affiliation SNU 초청자Host
소개 및 안내사항Content <1st talk>

Title: Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms

< 2nd talk>

Title: A sum of squares not divisible by a prime

Let p be a prime. We define S(p) the smallest number k such that every positive integer is a sum of at most k squares of integers that are not divisible by p. In this talk, we show that S(2) = 10, S(3) = 6, S(5) = 5, and S(p) = 4 for any prime p greater than 5. In particular, we show that every positive integer is a sum of at most four squares not divisible by 5, except the unique positive integer 79. This is a joint work with Kyoungmin Kim.
성명Field Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms
날짜Date 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-02 시간Time 15:50 ~ 18:00
호실Host 인원수Affiliation Byeongkweon Oh
사용목적Affiliation 신청방식Host SNU
소개 및 안내사항Content <1st talk>

Title: Representations of integers by integral quadratic forms

< 2nd talk>

Title: A sum of squares not divisible by a prime

Let p be a prime. We define S(p) the smallest number k such that every positive integer is a sum of at most k squares of integers that are not divisible by p. In this talk, we show that S(2) = 10, S(3) = 6, S(5) = 5, and S(p) = 4 for any prime p greater than 5. In particular, we show that every positive integer is a sum of at most four squares not divisible by 5, except the unique positive integer 79. This is a joint work with Kyoungmin Kim.
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