Symplectic Monday Seminar

TItle : Augmentation Varieties and Disk Potential  Speaker : Soham Chanda (Rutgers University)  link :  Meeting ID: 947 2207 8682  Password: IBSCGP

Ph.D. thesis defense


Title : Fukaya category of infinite-type surfaces​  Speaker : Jaeyoung Choi (POSTECH Graduate Student) 

Number theory learning seminar


Title: Etale Cohomology and Grothendieck-Lefschetz trace formula Speaker: Jungtaek Hong, Jiwan Jung Abstract: The goal of this learning seminar is to be familiar with the terminology of etale [...]

MINDS Seminar on Machine Learning


Title : On machine learning models for incomplete survey data  Speaker : Joseph Kang (Research Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau)  link : [...]

Ergodic Theory Seminar


Title : Non-escape of mass for divergent orbits and its applications to continued fractions of rationals.  Speaker : 김태형 박사 (Technion) 

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